Golden Visas

E33E Silver Hair Visa

The E33E Silver Hair Visa is a long-term visa for individuals aged 60 and above, granting a five-year renewable stay in Indonesia. It supports retirees seeking stable residency with straightforward requirements and access to essential services and facilities.


Regular: Rp. 26.000.000
Processing: Allow 35 Working Days

With this visa you can:
• Carry out business and investment activity in Indonesia.
• Bring eligible members of your family.
• Work in Indonesia if eligible.
• If you meet the conditions, you will automatically obtain the Electronic Limited Stay Permit (e-ITAS) and the Re-Entry Permit upon arrival at the Immigration Checkpoint (you do not need to go to the immigration office to obtain a Limited Stay Permit and Re-Entry Permit).
• In addition to the electronic limited stay permit, the limited stay permit also has a physical card available at the immigration office.

With this visa you cannot:
• Staying in Indonesia over the period of your stay permit.

Visa Validity:
This visa must be used within 90 days from the date of issue.

Documents Requirement:
• Passport that is valid for at least 6 (six) months.
• A recent color photograph.
• Proof of living expenses of at least USD $5000 or equivalent.
• Statement of commitment that the applicant will deposit funds in an account in his/her own name worth at least USD $50,000 in a state-owned bank.
• Proof of income or benefits with a minimum value of USD $3000.
• Report on the compliance of commitments within 90 days after date of entry.

If you have any issues supplying any of the documents above, please contact us for assistance.

Important Information:
• Business days exclude weekends and public holidays.
• Your application will be processed only after the funds have been successfully received in our account.

Payment Methods:
We recommend using Wise for fast secure payments. Click Here to Apply to Wise:
• International Bank Transfer (5-7 business days to receive)
• Local Indonesian bank transfer (received instantly).

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